2008年6月5日 星期四

my last class...

I learned a lot from this class.
And I know some useful software from this class.
The most impotant thing is I know some great learn English webs from class, those webs are for free and you can use it anythime, anywhere.
Moreover, "Hot potato" is a interesting software, we can easily make a crossword games by Hot potato"

I got new Japanese friends from chatting room.
I think this is a good chance for me to learn foreign culture.
Thank you Dr. Josephine give me this chance!

2008年5月27日 星期二

Questionnaire_for Chatting_

Debriefing Questionnaire
After completing the profile information, please answer the questions in English, Japanese or Chinese (your choice). If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.
Name ______Ching wei Lin_________ Age ___21___ Gender (circle): Male (Female)
Chat Name ______Nemo_____________ Chat Group Number _ 8__
TOEIC score (most recent) ______
Other test (name of the test and the score) Test name _______ Score _______

1. Did your group come to a consensus and decide upon a business and a city?

2. What was your decision and why did your group make this decision? Our group decides make a restaurant at Taipei and Tokyo. We would like to build a restaurant, and focus on both Japanese and Taiwanese foods. Seafood is a good idea. Japanese cuisine usually uses a lot of sea food.

3. What did you find interesting about chatting with students from Taiwan/Japan?

I found many interesting things from chatting with students from Japan. First I know a lot interesting ideas from others. And I get more information about Japan. Japanese students told me about Sapporo, which is the biggest city in Hokkaido, the northern island in Japan.

4. Did this session enhance cultural exchanges? Why or why not?

I though this session which is a good chance to enhance cultural exchanges, you could know a lot about their social. Moreover, food is a good issue for discussing, every country have own feature local foods, for example Japanese local food is sushi, and Taiwanese-style delicacies, like pearl tea.

5. What do you think you learned from this chat session?

I learned to build a company is not so easy. You have to discussing how to do it. First you should know about Japan and Taiwan society, selling what kind of products is best. And how do we improve many problems.

6. Has your motivation for learning increased after interacting with your Taiwanese/Japanese partners? Why or why not?

Sure, I like travel around, I haven’t been to Japan, but I could know more about Japan from my Japanese partners, I had more motivation to use English to talk with them.

7. Is it important to have a leader when discussing issues using online chat?

8. Think about the leader of your group. What did the leader do to help the group? Did you think that the leader did a good job? Why or why not?

Our eighth team leader is Zhong_Sha, she helped us to integrate our options, and provide her opinions.

9. What did you find was difficult while chatting with students from Taiwan/Japan?

I found different country has their culture, including food, life style, social, weather. But it is still have similar way, eating their local food is a good way to understanding their culture.

10. Did this activity make our course more meaningful? Why or why not?

Exactly, this activity makes our course more meaningful, learning foreign language should try to understanding foreign culture.

11. Does using online chat with students from Taiwan/Japan help your English language skills? How?

Yes. I should talk with them in English; may it is help me increase my writing and reading ability.

12. Select your level of enjoyment while using online chat with students from Taiwan/Japan.
a. Liked very much
b. (Liked)
c. Liked a little
d. Disliked a little
e. Disliked
f. Disliked very much

13. Explain your selection for Question 7.

Leader is an important role in a group.

14. If another online chat session were arranged, would you like to participate?


15. If you have any additional comments about online chat or using online chat to communicate with students overseas, please write them here:
Thank you for chatted with me. I hope have other chance to talk with you!

Thank you!

Chatting room on 5/13

Our group is eighth group; there are four students in our group, two students are Taiwanese students, and others are come from Japan. At first, we discuss about how to start our company. So our group leader proposed we could start a restaurant. Because we thought selling some local foods is a good idea. Moreover, we explain about where is Taipei and Sapporo to each other, and recognized some background information about Taipei and Sapporo.

Therefore, we would like to start a restaurant, and focus on both Japanese and Taiwanese foods, especially seafood is popular food in Taiwan and Japan. Japanese cuisine usually uses a lot of sea food, such as sushi. Our group leader suggested we can offer Sashimi, which is row fish, or sushi as in usual Japanese restaurant overseas, or broiled and boiled fish. Taiwanese famous food just like oyster thin noodles, fish ball soup, clams soup, oyster omelet, there are very delicious seafood. And I suggested maybe we could build our restaurant in night market. But I thought the only weakness of night market is not always clean, our group discussed how to improve this problem. Although it would got too many competitor, if we set our restaurant in night market, but it is not a big problem, if our food is very famous and delicious, our customers will line up in front of us! Beside, Tokyo and Taipei, we consider “does both of Japanese and Taiwanese would like our two kinds of food (Taiwan and Japanese food)?” Our group leader answered “I am Japanese but I love Taiwan food, so this problem is certainly “yes! If your food is good, your customer would love it.”

I think this activity is very useful for me to use English to discussing issues. I like this activity, because I learned a lot from this activity, this was a good chance to know about other country, it is help me enhance cultural exchanges images.

2008年4月14日 星期一

CALL Evaluation

This week we listened to each other's group Call evaluation, Everybody did a good job!
I learned a lot from this work, through this project I realized different useful softward to learn English. I will use those softward to improve my English ability. Moreover, those softward is interesting for learners, I will try to use it. I realized many different useful webs from teacher, too. And I learn how to resognize a softward is good or not. After we finished our presentation, teacher help us to correct our evaluation, we will try to do our best.

I choose this web for my exam:
BBC World Service Learning English

2008年3月26日 星期三

Fifth class 5

Teacher give us some informations about Criteria for CALL task appropriateness, that

incoulding six parts: Langage learning potential, Learner fit, Meaning focus, Authenticity, Positive impact, Practically.(From: Computer-assisted language learning)

And she tell us we have to write down reports about software evaluation and research advantage and disadvantage of software unit the midterm.(before 2008/4/9)

(You can get some informations about this project form here:

I and Luna are partner, we will help each other to do this work.

We choose MYET to do our research work(software).

and we are elevens!(Lucky 11)

So We will prepare to do this report, wish we have good job!

4th class...

Today I learned how to use recorder by computer!

It is very important for me to learn this skill, because you can use recorder to do

many things, such as your voice. First,you can record your pronounce, after

that you listen it, and practice again and again. It's a good way to know how is your pronounce.

So~after class I want to learn more skills about computer, just like
Dreamweaver or Video Editor

2008年3月12日 星期三

Third class PART3!!

Today is my Third class, we had to answer three question.

These are about Computer-Assisted Language Learning(CALL).

At first,I consider CALL is a telephone,how to use a telephone to teach students?

I had many QESTIONS!

After I search form the webs, I know "CALL" is a tool to help students.

For teachers, useing computer to teach is a good way.

But there are a lot of works to prepared before you use computer to teach.

"Computer as a tutor"

And theachers have to prepare all the activities!